Burning off Gas: 7 Exercise for Constipation

Constipation is a common problem that many people experience at some point in their life. It can be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and embarrassing. If you are suffering from constipation or know someone who is, this blog post will help teach you about an exercise to reduce gas build-up by relieving your bowels.
Suffering From Constipation
Constipation is a symptom of an underlying condition. Causes include not enough fiber in the diet, dehydration, lack of physical activity or exercise, pregnancy and childbirth, low stomach acid levels, which decrease digestion resulting in dry stool passage due to slow transit time. Constipation can also be caused by emotional factors such as stress, depression, or anxiety.
As gas builds up from indigestion, it traps water from your food so you can become dehydrated. This causes your stool to harden and dry, making it difficult for the body to move through your colon.
Suppose constipation is left untreated because of embarrassment or lack of access to healthcare. In that case, you risk developing hemorrhoids that are inflamed veins in the lower rectum or anus that cause pain and bleeding.
In addition, a constipated person may also suffer from gas build-up or bloating, leading to stomach pain and an increased risk of developing high blood pressure. This condition occurs when the digestive system doesn't have enough fiber, so food passes through too quickly, causing excess air to get trapped inside.
Top 7 Exercise That Is Best For Constipation
Exercise is an important factor that can help reduce constipation and the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Depending on which part of the body you want to target, there are a number of different exercises you can do to relieve gas build-up from your digestive system.
1) Pelvic floor exercises
If you suffer from constipation and gas build-up around your rectum, then pelvic floor exercises can help relieve this discomfort. The name alone suggests that these workouts focus on the pelvic muscles, which include those in the anus that contract when a bowel movement begins.
To do this exercise, sit on a chair with your legs spread open and the soles of your feet touching each other. Once you're in an upright position, tighten your pelvic muscles by squeezing them together for about five seconds, then releasing them slowly over the course of ten seconds. Repeat this three to four times a day or as needed until constipation goes away completely.
Check out these 5 pelvic exercises:
2) Abdominal exercise
This is a great workout to relieve gas build-up and constipation by strengthening the muscles of your abdomen. To do this, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-width apart. Grasp your hands under one side of your body so that they meet at your waistline, then slowly pull them toward your chest. Repeat this for three to four sets of ten reps each and do it up to five times a week.
A great variation of this exercise is adding a stability ball into the mix by placing a medium-sized ball between your lower thighs, tightening your core muscles, and slowly rolling onto your back until shoulder blades are centered on top of the ball. Hold this position for as long as you can before rolling back onto the floor into a seated position, then repeat three to four times or more until constipation goes away completely.
Watch this video for more information:
3) Straight leg raise
This exercise is a great way to relieve gas build-up and constipation because it targets the rectum, abdominals, and hips. To do this workout, you will need a chair or stability ball that can support your weight once in a seated position on top of it.Â
Once you have found something suitable for your height, sit on top of it with your back straight and your abs tight. Slowly lift one leg up in the air until you feel a stretch in the muscles that run along your thigh, then slowly lower yourself down after holding this position for five seconds to get rid of any excess gas build-up. Repeat three to four times on each side before switching legs or doing another set of reps to reduce constipation.
Learn how to do this exercise perfectly:
4) Pelvic tilts
This exercise targets your lower back and hips to relieve gas build-up around the stomach area. To do this, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-width apart.Â
Once you're upright, tighten your core muscles by pressing them down toward the floor until you feel a stretch through your hips and lower back. Hold for five seconds, then release slowly over the course of ten seconds to get rid of any excess gas build-up in your digestive system. Repeat this three to four times a day or more until constipation goes away completely.
Watch this video for more information:
5) The bicycle
This is a great exercise to get rid of excess gas and reduce constipation because it targets your entire core. To do this workout, you will need either an exercise bike or any other stable piece of cardio equipment that allows for the same motion with both legs at once, such as a treadmill, elliptical machine, rowing machine, etc.Â
Once you have found a suitable piece of equipment, sit down with your back straight and your abs tight. Slowly lift one leg up in the air until you feel a stretch from your lower abdominals to your hip, then slowly lower yourself back down again without resting too long between reps so that both legs are cycling at an equal pace.Â
Repeat this for three sets of twenty reps each on both legs to relieve gas build-up and reduce constipation.
See this video to see the benefits of the cycling:
6) Stomach massage
For people who suffer from gas and bloating, this is an excellent technique to invigorate their digestion. To do this, gently press on the right-hand side of your abdomen around waist level using two or more fingers then slowly move them over toward the left hip bone before repeating in reverse motion again towards the original spot you started at. Continue doing this for five to ten minutes or more until the gas is relieved from your stomach and constipation has gone away completely.
Learn how to do this:
7) Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, or biking are excellent for getting rid of excess gas in your digestive system. Not only will this help to relieve constipation, but it also helps you stay fit and healthy by increasing your body's metabolism rate.
Even though aerobic exercise is an effective way to get rid of gas build-up in the stomach area, people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other digestive disorders should consult a doctor before beginning any workout routine.
See this video to know how to this exercise right:
How To Prevent Constipation
To prevent constipation, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes lots of fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. Furthermore, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps your digestive system function properly so be sure not to neglect this aspect because dehydration can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.
Other tips include reducing stress levels since this can make constipation worse by slowing down the digestive process and avoiding certain medications because they are known to cause digestion issues.
The best way to get rid of gas and relieve constipation is by doing a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. By following these simple steps, you will have eliminated excess gas build-up in no time so that you can live your life normally again without having to worry about bloating, stomach pain, or other digestive issues caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.