Exercise for Neck Fat: 6 Exercises to Combat Inches

If you are looking to lose inches off of your neck, then this article is for you! Losing weight from the neck area is one of the most difficult places to lose fat. The exercises mentioned in this post will help increase muscle tone and reduce fat on your neck. If you want a slimmer, more attractive neck, read on!
What Makes A Neck Fat?
Neck fat is any amount of tissue that accumulates around the neckline. It can be a product of heredity, age, or lifestyle factors such as poor posture and lack of exercise.
One of the causes of neck fat is heredity. Some people are just born with it or have more tendency to accumulate fats around their necks than others.
Another cause of neck fat, especially for women over 40 years old, is age-related changes in the body, resulting in loss of collagen and subcutaneous fatty tissues under the skin.
Lifestyle factors
The third cause of neck fat is lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise and poor posture. Those who spend most of their time in the office behind a desk or constantly looking down at mobile devices are more likely to develop that extra layer around their necks. It also doesn't help if you're constantly eating high-calorie snacks.
How Do You Lose Fat Around Your Neck?
Neck fat can lead to a number of health problems, including sleep apnea and respiratory issues, if not addressed early enough. Luckily, you can do several simple exercises for neck fat that don’t require going under the knife or spending hundreds of dollars on gym membership fees. Here's your list:
1) Ball Exercise
Ball exercise is one of the most popular neck exercises out there because it can be done almost anywhere. You just need a large-sized ball or even something as simple as a firm pillow.
To do this, you have to sit on the floor with your feet flat on the ground and place the ball under your back against your shoulder blades. You can then lean back and rest your head on the ball. Hold this position for about 30 seconds to one minute before releasing it.
Repeat three times a day, five days every week. If you don't have access to a gym or other equipment, try doing these exercises while lying down in bed with pillows under your neck and upper back.
To work this correctly, see this video below:
2) Neck Rotation
Neck rotation is another simple yet highly effective exercise for neck fat. To do this, you need to sit on the floor with your legs crossed and hold a light dumbbell between both of your hands.
You can then rotate your head from side to side while making sure that the movement comes only from the muscles in your neck rather than your shoulders. Perform this exercise five to ten times for each side and repeat three times a day, five days every week.
To improve your neck rotation, watch this video:
3) Neck Stretch
Another exercise for neck fat that you can do anywhere and anytime is the neck stretch. You just need to stand in front of a wall with your feet slightly apart from each other and keep both arms stretched out straight ahead at about shoulder height. Then lean forward until you feel tension around your shoulders, but try not to bend too much or strain your neck.
Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat three times a day, five days every week. You can also do the same movement but on your back with the help of a chair or bed as you stretch forward until you feel tension around your shoulders. Hold it there for at least 30 seconds before releasing it slowly to avoid straining your neck.
Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed and don't shrug during the stretch, as this could lead to injury or muscle strain.
Watch the video below for more details:
4) Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is another exercise for neck fat that you can do almost anywhere. It might not be the most effective out of all four moves, but it's still worth a try every once in a while if you're bored or stressed.
Simply chew on your favorite flavor of chewing gum without swallowing, and make sure to keep your mouth closed while doing so. You can also make it more challenging by using different flavors like mint or cinnamon.
This exercise is best done when you're stressed to increase your alertness and prevent yourself from becoming too relaxed, especially if you happen to be an office worker who spends most of the day sitting in front of a computer screen while staring at a mobile device.
Learn about the health benefits of this exercise by watching this video:
5) Neck Stretch and Tilt
The neck stretch and tilt is a combination of two exercises: neck rotation and chin tuck. It's one of the best moves you can do for your neck fat because it targets multiple muscles at once, which means fast results in no time.
To start this exercise, lie flat on your back with both hands placed behind your head. Make sure to relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders as you do this because it will make stretching a lot more comfortable for you.
Then tilt your head slowly from side-to-side while allowing the movement to come from below your chin, not above it or even through your shoulders. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and then repeat five to ten times per side before switching sides.
End the exercise by tucking in your chin slowly until you feel a stretch around your neck while also extending one arm up straight at shoulder height. Hold this position for 30 seconds and switch arms halfway through so that each side gets equal attention. Repeat three times a day.
Watch the video provided related to this exercise:
6) Chin Tuck
The chin tuck is another exercise for neck fat that targets the muscles in your upper back, which makes it one of the best moves you can do to tone and tighten this area. It's also easy to perform at home or anywhere else with no equipment required.
To start this stretch, stand up straight while holding a light dumbbell in each hand. Then tuck your chin back while raising both arms straight up to around shoulder height with the palms of your hands facing forward.
Hold this position for 30 seconds before releasing and then repeat three times a day, five days every week, to get rid of neck fat fast.
To learn this exercise properly, see the video provided:
Tighten Your Neck Skin Naturally
Here are some of the tips to tighten your neck skin naturally:
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. It may help you lose weight, but this habit can make your neck look older because of the wrinkles that are produced when under stress for a long time.
- Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to flush out toxins in your body, including those found around the face area.
- Eat healthy foods. Limit your intake of processed, sugary, and fatty food as they can lead to saggy skin all over the body because these types of food contain a ton of calories that could end up getting stored in any part you want, including around the neck area.
- Avoid chemical-laden diet sodas since studies show that artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain, which means your neck will look bigger than it actually is.
- Exercise regularly. You don't have to hit the gym every day or go on a strenuous fitness routine just to tighten up that loose skin around your neck area. You can jog in place for about 30 minutes or do some simple stretches that are effective for this area.
- Eat lean protein sources. Since protein is a building block for your skin, this type of food will surely help you tighten up loose neck skin and also give it that supple appearance.
- Get the right amount of sleep every night to avoid stress and prevent premature aging due to fatigue because lack of sleep can lead to dark under-eye circles, making your neck look droopy and old.
- Take natural supplements such as Vitamin C, collagen, and elastin to help tighten the skin naturally without causing any adverse side effects on the body.
Neck fat may be uncomfortable, but it can easily be dealt with by following the steps mentioned above. Eat healthily, do regular exercise regularly, and remember the most important tip: to avoid smoking or drinking too much alcohol since these habits can make your neck look older than it actually is.