Exercises for Jaw Pain: Get Rid Of Jaw Pain Without Taking Pills

We all know that exercise is good for us and it helps prevent health problems. But did you know it can also help with jaw pain?
There are many exercises you can do to alleviate the pressure in your jaw, which will make you feel much better. In this blog post, we will share exercises that should help reduce or eliminate your jaw pain!
What Are The Cause Of Jaw Pain?
Jaw pain is a very common symptom that many people experience. There are a number of possible causes for this pain, and it should be considered an important topic because jaw pain can indicate serious health conditions like:
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder
TMJ or the temporomandibular joint is a complex system of bones and ligaments that connect the lower jaw to the skull. Many different things can be the source of pain in this area, but some common causes are:
Gum disease
Gum disease often goes unnoticed for years because it has no symptoms until its late stages, when teeth begin falling out. The bacteria that cause gum disease will travel through your bloodstream and can irritate the temporomandibular joint.
Tooth decay
If you have tooth decay, it will usually start off by causing pain when chewing or drinking hot/cold liquids. Without treatment, this pain will worsen until a cavity turns into an abscess and erodes through the jawbone.
Bone disorders
There are a number of bone disorders that can cause jaw joint pain, including arthritis, osteomyelitis, and others. If you have any concerns about this type of pain, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis.
Infections like strep throat can cause your glands to swell, putting pressure on the temporomandibular joint and cause pain. This is another reason why this type of jaw pain should be taken seriously because it could indicate a serious health condition.
Other causes of pain in the jawbone are less serious, but still, need to be taken seriously because they require proper treatment. These include muscle strain or spasms caused by stress and teeth grinding (bruxism).
What Can You Do To Relieve Jaw Pain?
If you have any type of temporomandibular joint disorder, the first thing you should do is see a doctor determine if there are any serious health concerns. If your doctor gives you the all-clear, then here are some simple exercises that have been proven to be effective for this type of pain:
Jaw Exercises
- Massage the jaw area several times a day and gently stretch your mouth open and closed.
- Chew gum will help stimulate saliva production to keep your mouth moist and relieve any pain caused by dryness.
- Practice relaxing your facial muscles as often as possible, especially when experiencing tension or strain in these areas. Try massaging them with ice to reduce any inflammation.
- Reduce stress as much as possible and practice deep breathing exercises throughout the day. Stress will tighten your muscles which can cause them to become strained or spasm, leading to more pain.
Jaw Relaxation
- Place a cold or hot washcloth on your jaw to help relax the muscles. You can use an ice pack if you are experiencing any swelling and heat if it is very stiff from tension.
- If you are experiencing any type of muscle spasm, try massaging it with ice or gently stretching your mouth open and closed. This will help to lengthen the muscles, reducing more serious pain caused by these types of contractions.
- Practice deep breathing throughout the day while trying to relax all of your facial muscles, including those around your mouth. Focus on breathing out any tension you are feeling in these areas. This will help prevent the muscles from becoming too strained or spasm, which can cause more pain.
- Relaxing massage is also very good for jaw pain since it helps to relax the entire body and relieve stress that often contributes to muscle strain and spasms. If you feel like you need a deeper tissue massage, go see your doctor or therapist so they can recommend the best treatment for this type of pain.
- Another way to help relax these muscles is by doing some gentle stretching several times throughout the day, increasing circulation in your jaw area. You should be careful not to stretch too hard because it could worsen your pain, but gentle stretching should help loosen the muscles.
- If you are having a lot of trouble with muscle spasms in this area, try massaging it for several minutes before and after doing any type of strenuous activity that can cause tension or stress in these areas. Try to do this every day if possible, both during and after the activity, to prevent any type of damage that can cause more pain.
- The most important thing you should remember when trying to relieve your jaw pain is that it will not go away on its own, and if you do not get treatment, it could become much worse over time. It is also important to avoid anything which makes your jaw ache even more, including smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages, and chewing gum.
Jaw Stretches
- Stretch your mouth open as wide as possible for about five seconds, then release repeatedly throughout the day whenever you have a free moment
- In a similar way, you can stretch your mouth closed as tightly as possible for five seconds and release repeatedly throughout the day.
- The most important thing to remember when doing these stretches is that they should not be painful, so if you feel any type of sharp or shooting pain in your jaw area, it means you are stretching too hard and need to ease up.
- Another way to stretch these muscles is by opening and closing your mouth while using your hand on the outside of it. Gently push against your fingers while doing this, holding each position for about five seconds before releasing.
Deep Breathing Exercises
- Try breathing in deeply through your nose as you count up to five before exhaling out of your mouth slowly. Repeat this several times throughout the day if possible or whenever you feel any type of pain or stress in this area
- Another similar exercise is to try breathing out through your mouth as hard and fast as possible for five seconds, then inhaling very slowly for another five seconds before exhaling again. Repeat several times throughout the day if possible. This will help relax your jaw muscles more than just regular deep breathing.
- The most important thing to remember when doing any of these exercises is that they should not hurt or feel uncomfortable, so you need to ease up if this becomes a problem.
Jaw Pain Prevention
- The most important thing you can do to prevent jaw pain in the future is by practicing a lot of self-care and relaxation. Try closing your eyes for five minutes every day and focus on breathing slowly while trying to relax all of your muscles including those around your face.
- Make sure that if you are doing any sort of physical activity that causes tension or stress in these areas, take a break and stretch them out before continuing.
- Be sure to get plenty of sleep every night if you are dealing with jaw pain since it can worsen. Getting enough rest is also very good for your overall health, so prioritize getting the right amount of sleep each day.
- Lastly, be sure to avoid anything that could make your jaw pain even worse, including smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages, and chewing gum.
Your jawline is a very important part of your face, and it is also an area where a lot of people tend to hold stress. There are several different types of common exercises you can try for jaw pain relief because, many times, this type of pain doesn't come from any sort of injury or health condition but instead from muscle tension. Take note only to eat soft food because your jaw muscles are already stressed.
Suppose you do not get enough sleep every night or practice proper relaxation techniques, including deep breathing exercises. In that case, your jaw muscles can become tense, causing more serious types of pain like headaches which will only lead to further problems down the line. so it is
Remember that these exercises should not be painful or uncomfortable. If they are, then you need to stop immediately. Consult your doctor if you are unable to find relief from these exercises or any other jaw pain treatment.